Informative Journal of Management Sciences (IJMS) <p>Informative Journal of Management Sciences aims to promote the quality research content of researchers. IJMS publish a research paper in all field of Management Sciences such as Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain Management (SCM), Human Resource Management, Project Management, etc. Cubic journals accept all types of content in the domain of management sciences such as <em><strong>Systematic Literature Reviews (SLR), Survey articles, Survey Articles, Argumentative research papers, Quantitative and Experimental studies</strong></em> as well. Our highly Qualified review your piece of research and publish it in the journal There are no hidden fees of publication. Quality and unique content is the only requirement to publish a research paper. Cubic journals provide a reference guide to new authors to polish their skills. <br />We accept new research ideas in all domains of management sciences. However, the author has to fulfill a couple of requirements before submitting a paper.</p> <ol> <li>Research content must have a clear idea and methodology such as SLR, Quantitative and Qualitative approaches.</li> <li>The plagiarism should not be more than 10% otherwise author has to resubmit the paper after modification.</li> </ol> en-US (Naveed Qureshi) (Naveed Qureshi) Fri, 27 Sep 2024 10:09:27 +0000 OJS 60 THE EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC RECORDS: FACTORS TO CONSIDER <p>Academic record management has a direct bearing on administrative effectiveness and student achievement, making it an essential function of educational institutions. The study delves into important aspects of academic record administration, such as data accuracy and integrity, corporate culture, and record-keeping methods. Proper staff training and system maintenance are crucial to the efficiency of well-designed procedures and technical improvements that streamline record collecting, storage, and retrieval. An organization's culture greatly influences its record-keeping practices; businesses and other organizations that value data management and encourage open communication are more likely to preserve accurate records. Data management, on the other hand, is crucial to avoiding mistakes and inefficiencies. Strong validation processes and safe systems to prevent errors and illegal access are essential for data correctness and integrity. This study highlights the importance of using these elements to improve record management processes, assist students in their achievements, and maintain the institution's credibility. To excel in academic record management, one must invest in thorough processes, a supportive culture, and strict data management methods.</p> Liu Bing, Dr Nadia Farhana Copyright (c) 2024 Informative Journal of Management Sciences (IJMS) Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE ROLE OF PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT IN EDUCATION <p>This study seeks to answer the question, "How does parental involvement affect students' academic performance?" by examining three critical aspects: the regularity of home-school contact, the amount of parental help with homework, and student participation in extracurricular activities. The results show that when there is open and regular communication between the school and the family, it helps students succeed because it creates a network of mutual support. While encouraging children to ask for help with their schoolwork can help them retain more of what they've learned, overly involved parents can stifle their children's independence. Students that are actively involved in extracurricular activities tend to have more motivation, better attendance, and better grades. Working parents may find it difficult to get involved because of cultural differences and job schedules. To ensure broad participation, it is necessary to address these difficulties through inclusive and adaptive techniques. Strong home-school connections are critical for maximizing student performance and well-being, according to the study, which also highlights the significance of a balanced and inclusive approach to parental involvement. In order to overcome obstacles to participation and promote meaningful parental engagement, schools and educators can adopt measures.</p> Qu Miaohui, Dr Nadia Farhana Copyright (c) 2024 Informative Journal of Management Sciences (IJMS) Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN GAINING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>This study examines the relationship between talent acquisition and recruiting, employee training and development, and performance management—the three cornerstones of human resource management (HRM)—and the attainment and maintenance of a competitive advantage. The key to attracting excellent personnel and building a strong employer brand is a tech-savvy recruitment strategy that maximizes efficiency. Investing in your employees' training and development allows them to learn and adapt on the job, which is crucial for staying ahead of the curve and reacting to changing market conditions. Performance management systems boost employee engagement and output by linking individual efforts to company goals through clear and frequent feedback, fair assessments, and open goal-setting. The study found that companies with strong implementation of these HR strategies had happier workers, better performance outcomes, and outperformed their competition. By proactively integrating critical HR operations, organizations can make the most of their human resources, adapt to evolving business needs, and ensure long-term success.</p> Feng Xiao, Prof Dr Junaid M. Shaik, Feng Xiao Copyright (c) 2024 Informative Journal of Management Sciences (IJMS) Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 HOW CAN COMPANIES IMPROVE CUSTOMER LOYALTY THROUGH BRANDING? <p>The purpose of this research is to identify the factors—brand identity, brand consistency, and customer experience—that contribute to customer loyalty and provide recommendations on how businesses may improve these areas. In order to shape client perceptions and cultivate emotional connections—both of which are crucial for loyalty—a clearly defined brand identity is vital. Maintaining cohesion across all customer touchpoints with the same message and visual elements helps build confidence and reliability in the brand. One of the most important things you can do to keep customers coming back is to have a consistent branding strategy. Smooth interactions, efficient problem solving, and personalized treatment define a client's customer experience, which greatly influences their level of happiness and loyalty. A loyal client base is the result of delighted customers who are satisfied with their purchases, who are likely to buy from the company again, and who are likely to tell others about their excellent experience. Businesses may establish long-term relationships with their customers and enjoy consistent success by incorporating a strong brand identity, being consistent, and providing outstanding customer experiences. This all-encompassing method highlights the need for consistent branding techniques in cultivating long-term client loyalty.</p> Pang Yue, Dr Oo Yu Hock, Pang Yue Copyright (c) 2024 Informative Journal of Management Sciences (IJMS) Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EVALUATING THE IMPACT OF THE ENVIRONMENT ON STUDENTS ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE <p>The relationship between the environment and students' academic performance is a topic of significant interest in educational research due to its potential to influence learning outcomes significantly. A well-rounded understanding of how various environmental factors influence learning can inform the development of effective strategies to enhance educational experiences and outcomes. This study evaluates the impact of different environmental factors—classroom environment, home environment, and school facilities—on students' academic performance.</p> <p>The classroom environment is a fundamental component of the educational setting and plays a critical role in shaping students' academic experiences (Khalfaoui, et al. 2021). Several elements within the classroom environment can affect learning outcomes, including physical aspects such as seating arrangements, lighting, noise levels, and the social dynamics between teachers and students. A well-structured and organized classroom can foster a conducive learning atmosphere that minimizes distractions and maximizes engagement. For instance, appropriate lighting and comfortable seating can reduce physical strain and improve concentration, while a quiet environment can minimize disruptions and help maintain focus on academic tasks.</p> DR THAMILSELVI VELAIAH Copyright (c) 2024 Informative Journal of Management Sciences (IJMS) Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE ROLE OF LOCAL COMMUNITIES IN SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT <p>Local communities' participation in decision-making, economic empowerment, and environmental conservation are the primary foci of this study as they pertain to sustainable tourist development. Aligning tourist projects with local needs and beliefs, encouraging ownership, and gaining support requires effective community engagement in decision-making. Economic empowerment through tourism fosters opportunities for local business and revenue production. This, in turn, encourages investment in the protection of cultural and natural resources. Nevertheless, obstacles such as unequal reward distribution, power imbalances, and limited resources frequently impede these endeavors. In order to achieve sustainability, the study stresses the importance of community-based tourism approaches, fair revenue sharing, and enhanced conservation capability in tackling these issues. Empowering and actively involving local communities can enable the tourism sector to achieve long-term success while contributing to environmental stewardship and local development. The research shows that in order to build a tourist business that is more welcoming and environmentally friendly, people need to work together to solve problems.</p> Ling Lijun, Dr Elsadig Musa Ahmed Copyright (c) 2024 Informative Journal of Management Sciences (IJMS) Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON BUSINESS MARKETING <p>This study delves into the effects of social media marketing on company success, specifically looking at three important factors: social media advertising budget, content quality, and audience engagement. According to the study's findings, advertising on social media, particularly when combined with targeted methods, leads to higher conversion rates and more customers. An important factor in increasing engagement and developing brand loyalty is high-quality material that is aesthetically pleasing, pertinent, and in line with the company's values. Likes, shares, comments, and conversations are all ways to measure audience engagement, which is essential for establishing trust with customers and encouraging them to advocate for your business. Businesses need to take a proactive and adaptable approach, as the study emphasizes that there are issues like content saturation and platform algorithm adjustments. Organizations that invest heavily in ads, create high-quality content, and actively engage with their audience can optimize social media marketing and achieve greater business success. This holistic approach guarantees the effective utilization of social media resources to generate growth and enhance brand performance.</p> Yin Xiaofeng, Dr Oo Yu Hock, Yin Xiaofeng Copyright (c) 2024 Informative Journal of Management Sciences (IJMS) Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN HEALTH CARE <p>This study explores the major role of human resource management (HRM) in enhancing the quality of patient care within healthcare settings. The study shows that leadership and management strategies, workforce motivation and job satisfaction, and staff training and development are important HRM characteristics that greatly impact patient outcomes. Research shows that healthcare organizations with well-organized HRM policies have healthcare workers that are both more knowledgeable and more invested in their work, which in turn leads to fewer mistakes, lower employee turnover, and happier patients. Transformational leadership, in particular, improves work satisfaction and care quality by cultivating a positive company culture. However, problems like the need for customized training programs and managing diverse teams underscore the complexity of efficient human resource management in healthcare. In order to create a supportive work atmosphere, ensure high-quality patient care, and handle the problems of modern healthcare delivery, the study concluded that strategic HRM is vital. According to the research, investing in human resource management is critical for achieving excellence in patient care and enhancing employee performance.</p> Guo Xiaoyong, Dr Junaid M. Shaik, Guo Xiaoyong Copyright (c) 2024 Informative Journal of Management Sciences (IJMS) Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000